Birth Injury
Birth Injury compensation are compensations given in the specialized areas of medical malpractices, that occur due to clinical negligence on part of the doctors. These need expert solicitors to deal with such cases that are highly demanding and need specialized attention. With the help of expert solicitors the birth injury compensation claims have effectively helped many parents to deal with this situation very effectively. With the help of birth injury compensation we provide a ground that enables the mothers to bring up their children that have been injured during birth time or at the time of pregnancy or at the time of giving births. The clinical negligence can be coupled with some medical problems that the mother might have, which could lead to problems. For example gestational diabetes, Pre Eclampsia, Uterine Rupture and Placental Abruption, Clinical Negligence during Labour, Cerebral Palsy , Episiotomy and Second or Third Degree Tears. All these can lead to complications during or after the birth of a child and it needs some compensation for the family to bear such situation.
We provide birth injury compensation for both Cerebral Palsy Birth Injury and Erb’s Palsy Birth Injury. The former refers to neurological disorders that impacts the child’s coordination and movements. This condition can occur at the time of birth or soon after the child is born. This impacts the child’s capacity to walk and some children can actually be totally disabled by this. At times the symptoms can be very subtle but the impact can be lifelong; therefore while taking the birth injury compensation claims we take all these aspects into consideration.
Erb’s Palsy Birth injury is an obstetric brachial plexus injury that is caused by a trauma during birth and it affects either 1 or 5 primary nerves of the arm. Therefore the feeling and the movement of the arm are very severely affected. At times the paralysis can be really heinous, and sometime the children are unable to recover from this birth defect and other times a professional intervention is required to relieve from the situation. In that case Birth Injury compensation claims become very valuable as they are required to assist the parents in many ways.
In order to gauge if your child is suited for birth injury compensation; it has to be established that the standard of medical care fell below standard, which helps you to check with the eligibility for the criteria. With our experience we are able to assist you in your search for the best birth injury compensation claims. Though it can take some time to evaluate the case and get back to the clients, but the results are surely assured.