Wrist Injury
Another type of injury that requires immediate medical help as well as legal advice is wrist injury. Wrist injuries can be caused due to many reasons such as accidents at work, road accidents, and slips or falls. Potential damage caused to the wrist due to an accident include sprains, broken bones, tendonitis, dislocation, torn ligaments and carpal tunnel syndrome. Wrist injuries can have lasting effects on movement and flexibility making recovery time much longer. Whatever be the nature and cause of the injury, it is your right to claim wrist injury compensation. Though the process of making wrist injury claims and receiving wrist injury compensation is easy, the success of your claim depends largely on your solicitor representing your case. It is important to engage a competent solicitor to ensure that you are compensated appropriately.
If you have suffered a wrist injury for no fault of yours and wish to make a wrist injury compensation claim, call us! Our expert solicitors would engage in a no-obligation discussion with you to assess your wrist injury claim and how much wrist injury compensation you are entitled to.
They would explain to you in detail the process involved in making a wrist injury compensation claim and the relevant documents that would be required to support your case. This enables you to take an informed decision. We will also help you make a wrist injury claim under the no-win no-fee policy wherein you need to pay nothing towards the legal proceedings and you are entitled to 100% compensation if your case wins.
So, how much wrist injury compensation are you entitled to? Your wrist injury compensation depends on the extent of damage to the wrist, long-lasting complications, if any and the length of recuperation. To this extent your wrist injury compensation could vary anywhere between £2000 for a minor injury to £40000 for severe wrist injury leading to total loss of function. Contact our solicitor today and rest assured that your wrist injury compensation claim is being handled by a pro and would efficiently translate into adequate compensation good enough to cover your costs as well pain and suffering.